Marketing Techniques in Food and Beverage Advertising on Children’s Channels in Argentina: Differences according to Nutritional Quality


  • Paula Gómez Universidad de Belgrano, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA). Centro de Estudios sobre Nutrición Infantil Dr. Alejandro O’Donnell, (CABA).
  • María Elisa Zapata Universidad de Centro Educativo Latinoamericano, Rosario. Centro de Estudios sobre Nutrición Infantil Dr. Alejandro O’Donnell, (CABA).
  • Alicia Rovirosa Centro de Estudios sobre Nutrición Infantil Dr. Alejandro O’Donnell, (CABA).
  • Susana Gotthelf Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Nutricionales, Salta.
  • Daniel Ferrante Ministerio de Salud, (CABA).


Marketing, Food Advertising, Beverages, Children, Argentina


INTRODUCTION: Advertising uses a broad spectrum of visual, auditory and emotional techniques to persuade children or parents, with different strategies according to the nutritional quality of food and beverages. OBJECTIVES: To describe the marketing techniques used in food and beverage advertising during children’s TV programming and their relation with the nutritional quality of food and beverages. METHODS: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. Marketing techniques were classified according to Hebden by emotional appeal, product characteristics, visual elements, and sound and audio elements. A total of 100 advertisements were analyzed, 25% of the food and beverages were categorized as healthy according to the nutrient profiling system of Food Standards Agency (FSA). RESULTS: The most used marketing techniques were fun/happiness (83%), fantasy and imagination (59%), palatability (54%), cartoon or animated characters (55%), music/jingles (97%) and messages aimed at children (83%). CONCLUSIONS: Differences were observed between the techniques according to the nutritional quality of food and beverages


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How to Cite

Gómez , P. ., Zapata , M. E., Rovirosa , A., Gotthelf , S. ., & Ferrante , D. . (2018). Marketing Techniques in Food and Beverage Advertising on Children’s Channels in Argentina: Differences according to Nutritional Quality. Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 8(33), 22–27. Retrieved from