Evaluation of health care systems and primary health care strategy


  • José M. Paganini Centro Interdisciplinario Universitario para la Salud (INUS). Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Argentina
  • Graciela S. Etchegoyen Centro Interdisciplinario Universitario para la Salud (INUS). Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Argentina
  • Ana Bo Cátedra de Salud y Medicina Comunitaria. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP
  • Ana M. Rubio Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Medio Ambiente. Universidad Blas Pascal. Córdoba. Argentina.
  • Juan J. Stival Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Medio Ambiente. Universidad Blas Pascal. Córdoba. Argentina.
  • Abel Fredeimberg Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas (IDIP). Hospital de Niños Sor María Ludovica. La Plata. Argentina.
  • Graciela Matkovic Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas (IDIP). Hospital de Niños Sor María Ludovica. La Plata. Argentina.
  • Adriana Hipperdinger Asociación Civil: Un Techo para mi Hermano. General Roca. Argentina.
  • Alicia Pérez Raventós Asociación Civil: Un Techo para mi Hermano. General Roca. Argentina.
  • Mónica González Asociación Civil: Un Techo para mi Hermano. General Roca. Argentina.
  • Adrián Zelayeta Centro Interdisciplinario Universitario para la Salud (INUS). Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Argentina.


Primary Health Care, Quality of health care, Evaluation, Health system


OBJECTIVE: the aim of this project was to evaluate the quality of health care systems based on the strategy of Primary Health Care in different areas of the country. METHOD: cross-sectional study with a triangular approach, including a) a survey to the population demanding care, b) interviews to key referents of the health team, and c) health team focus groups. The components of structure, process and outcomes of the health system based on PHC were evaluated by specific indicators. RESULTS: the analysis of the information shows an evident deficit of the integration of the professional team, mainly in the activities towards community, the lack of norms and lack of facilities for disable people. It must be noted also the high percentage of the health care team that does not know about current institutional health programs and the lack of an adequate information system for the area population and for the administrative process in most of the sites studied. CONCLUSION: in spite of the efforts to implement the PHC strategy, most of health centers evaluated are still providing care based on the traditional model oriented to the demands of care.


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How to Cite

Paganini , J. M. ., Etchegoyen , G. S., Bo , A., Rubio, A. M., Stival , J. J. ., Fredeimberg, A., … Zelayeta , A. . (2010). Evaluation of health care systems and primary health care strategy. Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 1(2), 18–23. Retrieved from https://rasp.msal.gov.ar/index.php/rasp/article/view/444