Detection, analysis and prevention of look alike and sound alike drugs in Argentina


  • Mónica Confalone Gregorián Instituto de Investigaciones Epidemiológicas. Academia Nacional de Medicina.
  • Laura Bugna Programa Provincial de Farmacovigilancia. Ministerio de Salud de Santa Fe.
  • Graciela Calle Asociación Argentina de Farmacéuticos de Hospital.
  • Marcela Fontana Dirección General de Abastecimiento. Subsecretaría de Salud de Neuquén
  • Gabriela González Capdevila Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
  • Sergio Morales Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste..
  • Marcela Rousseau Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires


Drugs, Terminology, Drug labeling, Drug packaging, Safet


INTRODUCTION: there is a large amount of drugs with visual, phonetic or spelling similarities in their trade names and/or active ingredients that create operational and medication errors and could cause harm to patients. This problem is known by the acronym LASA (Look-Alike, Sound-Alike). OBJECTIVE: to identify LASA medicines and/or active ingredients in the Argentine pharmaceutical market. METHOD: the international and national literature on LASA was reviewed. Then a search of trade name and generic medicines in the Alfabeta®, Kairos® and Manual Farmacéutico® internet databases was conducted during July 2008. The researchers surveyed the visual aspect of medicines in their premises work and generated a photographic archive. In addition, a LASA error voluntary report system was implemented and subjected to analysis in order to characterize the factors involved in LASA problem. RESULTS: 927 sets of LASA medications were found among 20.517 medicines assessed and 80 LASA errors were reported through the report system. CONCLUSION: LASA medicines are a public health problem in Argentina. Their detection, communication and prevention are needed to avoid negative consequences for patients.


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How to Cite

Confalone Gregorián , M., Bugna , L. ., Calle , G. ., Fontana , M. ., González Capdevila , G. ., Morales , S. ., & Rousseau , M. . (2010). Detection, analysis and prevention of look alike and sound alike drugs in Argentina. Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 1(3), 30–35. Retrieved from