Strengthening the national health research policy in the period 2022-2023


  • Bárbara García Godoy Dirección de Investigación en Salud , Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Argentina


Health Research Policy, Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management, Management for Health Research, Resources for Research



This article presents the main actions developed within the framework of the management of the Health Research Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the Nation in the period 2022-2023, focused on: *promoting the production of scientific knowledge aimed at making of decisions at the ministerial and jurisdictional level under a comprehensive health perspective, *in promoting and coordinating intra- and inter-institutional articulation actions for the management of health research policies of national and inter-jurisdictional scope, with the actors of the national health system. research for health, of the national scientific-technological system and of the private sector, *in advancing the institutionalization of projects, processes and activities of the DIS, *and in developing and strengthening the management and mobilization processes of knowledge in health, with federal, intersectoral, territorial, interdisciplinary character and with a gender and diversity perspective. In this way, the innovations developed in the “Salud Investiga” research scholarship program are described, the design and implementation of the “Federal Interministerial Research, Transfer and Strengthening Project for Health in Territory” for the strengthening of jurisdictional research areas. of Argentina centered on Reminsa, the production of the “National Research Agenda in and for Public Health 2023/25”, the preparation of the “Guide for the design, development and ethical evaluation of social research in health”, the development of the communication tool “Synthesis of information for health decision makers at different levels” and other strategies aimed at strengthening the institutionality of ministerial research policy. 



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How to Cite

García Godoy , B. (2023). Strengthening the national health research policy in the period 2022-2023 . Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 15, e114. Retrieved from