Clinical Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents of Argentina.


  • Carmen Mazza Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes
  • Patricia Evangelista Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes
  • Ángela Figueroa Hospital Materno Infantil San Roque. Paraná.
  • Irina Kovalskys Hospital Cosme Argerich. Buenos Aires.
  • Patricia Digón Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Nutricionales. Salta
  • Stella López Instituto Privado de Especialidades Pediátricas y Gineco-obstétricas. Córdoba
  • Edit Scaiola Hospital Regional de Ushuaia, Ushuaia.
  • Norma Perez Hospital José Ramón Vidal. Corrientes
  • Guillermo Dieuzeide Hospital Municipal Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Chacabuco


Obesity, Adolescence, Metabolic Syndrome


INTRODUCTION: Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) represent a public health problem. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and distribution of MS in adolescents with overweight/obesity (OW/OB) and normal weight (NW) and examine variables associated with MS and its components. METHODS: A cross-sectional comparative study in 2 groups of adolescents aged 10 to 19 years of 7 provinces of Argentina. A survey social, demographic, dietary habits, physical activity (AF), physical examination and determine the anthropometric and biochemical indicators. RESULTS: We evaluated 1,009 adolescents, 398 males (39.4 %), 601 (59.6 %) controls (NW) and 408 (40.4 %) cases (OW/OB). The prevalence of MS in the OW/OB was 40.3 % and 0 % in the NP. We found significant differences in family history of OW/OB, birth weight, age at menarche, presence of acanthosis nigricans, waist circumference (WC) above the cut-off and all metabolic laboratory measures. The OW/OB had a higher proportion of constituents of MS (3.7 % basal hyperglycemia, 27.9 % hyperinsulinemia, 53.2 % higher HOMA index, 45.6 % low HDL cholesterol, 37.7 % higher triglycerides and 13.5 % higher blood pressure). The WC was positively correlated with blood pressure, triglycerides, insulin, HOMA and Body Mass Index - Z Score and negatively with HDL cholesterol. All patients studied had poor eating habits and adolescents with MS had shorter physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity is a determinant of SM (40%) and central body fat is associated with its components.


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How to Cite

Mazza, C., Evangelista , P., Figueroa, Ángela, Kovalskys, I. ., Digón , P. ., López, S., … Dieuzeide , G. . (2011). Clinical Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents of Argentina. Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 2(6), 25–33. Retrieved from